Dentures can be fixed or removable, partial or full, and implant supported or not.
Traditional dentures have beautiful, uniquely crafted teeth and are easy to wear, and help patients who have lost all their natural teeth enjoy day-to-day activities. At Harmony Dental Center of Leesburg, we also offer implant supported dentures that make speaking and eating more natural and comfortable than with traditional dentures.
Dentures and Dental Implants
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant-supported dentures offer a unique implant solution for patients who are missing all of their upper or lower teeth by placing 4 to 6 implants as “anchors” to provide a sturdier fit and minimal mobility for your denture. No adhesives and pastes are needed to secure your new denture, so you can remain confident while eating food and functioning normally.
All-on-X Procedure
Implant Retained Dentures
Available for full or partial dentures, implant retained dentures require the placement of two or more dental implants to secure the dentures in the mouth. This type of denture will “snap” onto the implants and can be removed for cleaning at night.